Monday, March 7, 2011

Finding forever...

It looks like THE ADVENTURES OF PATRICK KIAME IN THE ABYSS WORLD THAT IS ARCHITECTURE was off the air or should I say web for some time... My sincere apologies to Hermie and Jolanda for letting you guys down, got so caught up in the job hunting debacle that I completely neglected my blog. But, here I am making amendments. Better late than never is what they always say.

It has officially been 43 days since I last posted a blog, that's a flippin' long time! There's no point crying over spilt milk. A great deal of things have happened since I last blogged. I upgrade to a newer version, Patrick 2.2 (that's my way of saying I turned 22), and most importantly I managed to find a job before March, which was a huge relief. Just when I thought s**t was gonna hit the fan, I got a phone call from R&L Architects on Friday 25/2 asking me if I was keen for an interview with them (almost sounded like a trick question). We scheduled the interview for Monday 28/2, which meant if I didn't get this job I'd be screwed... Not only did i get the job, I started working the following day, talk about making a first impression, lol!

R&L architects was founded by Douglas Roberts in 1964, through the years R&L has grown in stature, and developed the necessary knowledge and skills to design buildings in all facets of architecture, ranging from specialist residential to multi million rand projects in the commercial, retail, industrial, medical, sports, residential and various mixed use, in South Africa and further abroad in Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Thailand, Dubai and The Emirates. So they are kinda like a big deal, oh and they also designed the 2010 World Cup  Mbombela Stadium. How cool is that, the one stadium done by South African and precipient of several awards. All this got me extra motivated in knowing that I'd working with world class architect (not that I'm offending other architects), which meant I had to step my game up and soak as much knowledge and experience during my time with them.

 First day of work went better than I could have ever anticipated, the people at R&L are quite the freindly bunch and made it easy for me to adapt to this new environment. I was assigned to my work station, which included the following: a telephone, a new flippin' lcd computer with an email account, a chair, spacious desk and the basic stationary. As I said, their quite the freindly bunch. Once they got my fingerprint in the access system I was off to work. They use AutoCad 2011LT, making my life so much easier. We (notice how I said "we)... like I said, we are currently working on some projects for the Woolworths Franchise (they are responsible for drawing every single one of them). We're developing plans for a store opening soon, I've been been given the task of updating the standard specifications. A lot of printing happens there, so much paper you'd think its raining paper. After several attemps at printing and changing the font style to what Vanessa (my supervsior) "really" wanted, I just started flowing through work. Vanessa was quite impressed at my work rate (and yet I wasn't even working at full pace, shhhhh!). The work is quite monotonous and cumbersome at times, but it's helping me perfect my AutoCad skills.

Everyday is a different day, the other day we a presentation on LIGHT FRAME STEEL CONSTRUCTION by The Silverline Group. It was a good presentation, their product certainly wasn't just another reinvention of the wheel. I've managed to edit more than a quarter of the specs book, I often feel like a publisher printing so many pages to make up a book. I seldomly get bored at work, and in the event of that happening I listen to music. I'm always ready to learn something new and if I'm not then I atleast look motived.

Ok, I think that's enough blogging for one session (sort of making up for lost time, so forgive the length). I suppose I won't have any more excuses from now on for not writing on my blog. I've  learned a lot in this past few of days, I've even bought a book to jot down some important points. So stay tuned for some more episodes (I'll speak to the executives to keep the show running on a weekly basic).
Until then... just chill. Peace

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